For the Latest News & Views on Healthy Living


• LYMPH CIRCULATION – The most important health benefit, ensuring that the cell environment is kept in the Dry State, for cell oxygenation
• IMMUNE SYSTEM -The lymph system is also the most important part of the immune system. Rebounding can increase the white blood cell count by as much as three times in just two minutes
• IDEAL DETOX EXERCISE- Clearing the cell environment of acid waste, toxins and poisons. It is important to drink a glass of water after every bounce, to dilute the toxins that have been released and flush them from the body.
• BOOST RECOVERY TIME after any other exercise activity, rebound for 3 minutes to clear lactic acid build up. This includes after sitting, gym work and at the end of day
• BUILD & MAINTAIN LEAN MUSCLE MASS -The resistance created by every bounce strengthens muscle tone, which helps to build and maintain lean muscle mass.
• OPTIMUM BLOOD CIRCULATION -The safe aerobic effect of rebounding ensures optimum blood circulation, especially to the peripheral areas of the body.
• HEART STRENGTHENED through leg and arm movement.
• RELAXATION - By gently massaging the muscles of the body, relaxation is induced, relieving tension and stress
• INTEGRATE MIND BODY BALANCE - Bouncing integrates mind body balance
• DEEP REJUVENATING SLEEP -Clears the mind and encourages deep rejuvenating sleep


3 to 5 two minute health bounces with connected deep breathing for
10 minute aerobic sessions alternating every other day with 10 minute of resistance training, using light weights, body weight exercise, jogging or slightly higher bounce
(Longer sessions can be performed, based upon individual requirements)

• Improved learning
• Sports performance
• Injury recovery
• Treating illness or disease
• Weight Loss
• Emotional balancing
• Affirmations
• Goal manifestation



Two Minutes of invigorating bouncing = 6 Mins Running; 10 Mins Swimming: 22 mins Walking. (Dr Morten Walker )


Enjoy  All The Health Benefits!






Suitable for people of all ages and all levels of health and fitness.


INCREASED BONE & MUSCLE DENSITY: The Triple Gravity Force (Gravity, Acceleration and Deceleration) of rebounding positively affects every single cell in the body. One of the immediate benefits of this, is increased bone and muscle density. NASA endorses rebounding in their programme for Astronauts who can lose up to 15% bone and muscle density after just two weeks in the micro gravity of space. Due to the low impact, they are able to re-mineralise and strengthen not only their bones and muscles, but literally every single cell in their body. Note, it is important to use a good quality rebounder, which can absorb up to 87% of the jarring impact.

STIMULATE LYMPH FLOW: It is important to have regular aerobic activity to strengthen the heart and circulatory system, to ensure that the oxygen actually gets around the body and to the cells. For most people, this usually involves running, cycling or other sporting activity or an aerobic group activity.

REBOUNDING IS 68% MORE EFFECTIVE THAN RUNNING ON A TREADMILL: Every time you bounce down on the mat of the rebounder, your body weight increases, building the pressure below every lymph valve, forcing the fluid forward through the valves. At the top of the bounce, the body becomes weightless, closing the valves and allowing the pressure to once again build.

This increases the flow of lymph through the purifying nodes and can triple the white blood cell (immune count) in just two minutes

Crucial for those of us who spend long hours at the computer and/or in a car AND for people dealing with health issues (CANSA has endorsed the program for this reason).

FITNESS: Rebounding is faster, more enjoyable than most activities, AND allows for up to 87% reduction in impact on ankle, knee and lower back. Jogging is more of a cardio vascular activity, while REBOUNDING IS A WHOLE-BODY EXERCISE, energizing, strengthening and detoxing (via the Lymph) every single cell. Rebounding is also great for balance and proprioception.

Whilst jogging places most of the impact on the ankle and knee area, rebounding registers an even distribution of pressure throughout the body. There is also a greater uptake of oxygen by tissue when rebounding, compared to jogging AND less heart and lung strain.

Runners who include rebounding to warm up and cool down (3 to 5 mins before and after training or a race) report less fatigue and soreness the next day and some have even suggested that they get better mileage out of their running shoes. This could be due to enhanced proprioception.

BOOST LEAN MUSCLE MASS AND ACCELERATE CALORIE BURNING: By using light weights with the rebounder (as shown in the DVD that you get)

AEROBIC POWER: It is important to have regular aerobic activity to strengthen the heart and circulatory system, to ensure that the oxygen actually gets around the body and to the cells. For most people, this usually involves running, cycling or other sporting activity or an aerobic group activity.

REBOUNDING IS 68% MORE EFFECTIVE THAN RUNNING ON A TREADMILL: Using a good quality rebounder, impact can be reduced by up to 87%. In addition to this safety factor, oxygen absorption is increased by as much as 4 times.

Using a quality, Soft Bounce rebounder makes all the difference
to your enjoyment, safety and results from rebounding.
Our Health Bounce Pro is the only rebounder available
in SA that offers a highly buoyant, safe and enjoyable bounce.
Suitable for people of all ages and all levels of health and fitness.

And start enjoying all the benefits
Increased Bone and Muscle Density
Easy & Sustainable Weightloss
Increased Fitness
Lymph Drainage


Rebounding : The Miracle Exercise

NASA scientists call rebounding ‘a miracle exercise’, Al Carter calls it ‘the
most efficient and effective form of exercise yet devised by man’ and Dr James
White, director of Research and Rehabilitation calls it ‘the closest thing to
the fountain of youth’.

To understand why, we need to know how the body works and why we need to
The body is electrical and needs oxygen to produce the cell fuel known as ATP to
keep the cells functioning healthily and producing their power. This is how the
eyes see, the brain thinks, the muscles work and so on.

According to many medical and scientific experts, the underlying cause of all
pain, degeneration and illness is oxygen deficiency.

"Illness is the result of improper removal of toxins from the body. Oxygen is
the vital factor which assists the body in removing toxins." Ed McCabe
"All chronic pain, suffering, and diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen at the
cell level." - Dr. Arthur C. Guyton
"Coronary heart disease is due to a lack of oxygen received by the heart." Dr.
Dean Ornish
"Cancer has only one prime cause. It is the replacement of normal oxygen
respiration of the body's cells by oxygen-deficient cell respiration."
Dr. Otto Warburg

There are a number of reasons why we do not get enough oxygen – these include:
• Poor breathing habits
• Oxygen deficient environment
• Poor blood circulation, through inactivity, dehydration and incorrect eating

• Poor cell environment through inadequate lymph circulation

The last is the most critical factor when it comes to optimizing health.
According to Dr Guyton, cells must be in a specific state to receive oxygen –
this is called the Dry State, where there is only enough fluid to fill the
crevices around the cells and that is all. If this changes, the cells become
oxygen deficient and this causes a number of knock on effects, including
dehydration, increased acidity, cellular damage, altered eating habits,
emotional imbalance and poor mental focus.

The underlying cause of this unhealthy Wet State is poor lymph circulation. All
ill health conditions are one and the same thing – poor micro-circulation and
oxygen deficiency. Do not to get caught in the label, address the cell needs.

How Rebounding Works
All exercise is based upon gravity, whether you are lifting weights, swimming,
jogging, doing pushups, sit ups or even walking, you are resisting gravity.

Our body weight is based upon the gravitational pull of the earth. In order to
remain healthy, we have to continually challenge this force of gravity, to
maintain cell health and ensure optimum circulation. When we are young this
comes naturally through play. However, as we get older, our life becomes more
sedentary and we need to set aside specific time to exercise, or resist gravity.
Unfortunately, for most people this can be hard work, we just do not have the
time or the energy.

Rebounding is unique, in that it not only works with the natural force of
gravity as most exercise does, it also adds two additional ‘gravity-type’ forces
- acceleration and deceleration. These are interpreted by the body as an
increase in the force of gravity.

This immediately puts all of the cells in the body under mild duress and in
response, they become stronger. At the same time, we also experience a brief
moment of total weightlessness at the top of the bounce. This means that we move
from being stressed to being completely stress free. This massaging of the whole
body ensures optimum blood and lymph circulation.

All of us have rebounded – it was the first exercise we ever had in our mother’s
womb. The moment we left the safety of our reduced gravity water environment, we
began feeling the full impact of gravity. This is why bouncing is such a natural
thing for us to do. Children naturally look for something to bounce on; even
adults bounce their legs, absent mindedly, to improve circulation.

Studies show, that if we don’t continually resist gravity, our bodies get
weaker, losing muscle tone and bone density and circulation is greatly reduced,
preventing cell oxygenation and increasing waste build up. Astronauts can lose
up to 15% bone density in just two weeks in the micro gravity environment of
space. The same thing can happen to people who are bed ridden for extended
periods of time and to people who spend most of their day sitting at a desk, in
a car or in front of the television.

Unlike most exercise, which only works the muscular and cardiac systems,
rebounding affects every single cell in the body, challenging it to become
stronger and more efficient. The more we rebound throughout the day, the more
able we are to cope with the everyday challenge of gravity. We like to call this
the superman formula. By increasing the force of gravity through rebounding,
normal gravity becomes less of a strain on the body, because we are stronger.


The uniqueness of rebounding can be experienced in 4 key areas. These are:

• Lymphatic circulation
• Aerobic Power
• Strengthening
• Relaxation (including reconditioning and improved sport performance)

When it comes to health, increasing oxygen supply to the cells is of utmost importance. The first and most important step is to clear the cellular environment of fluid build up and restore what is known as the healthy Dry State. This is primarily the role of the lymphatic system.

Lymphatic Circulation
Most people today have poor lymph circulation. This is due to our mind oriented, sedentary lifestyle – we spend our day sitting in cars or in front of computer screens and televisions, barely pausing for a breath. To understand just how this affects our health, we need to know a little more about how the lymphatic system actually works.

Spread throughout the body, the lymph system is made up of vessels, nodes and organs and is one of the most important parts of the immune system. As the purification system of the body, the lymph system ensures that there is no build up of fluids, toxins or waste around the cells. Lymph flows from every part of the body through purifying nodes to the ducts at the top of the chest, where is it returned to the blood stream. Unlike the blood circulatory system however, the lymphatic system does not have a dedicated pump to maintain circulation. Instead, it relies on two specific pump actions – movement and deep breathing. To prevent the lymph from flowing backwards, the vessels have little one-way valves. These play a major role in ensuring lymph circulation. When the pressure below a valve becomes greater than above, the lymph is squeezed forward until the pressure changes and the valves close. Regular movement keeps the lymph flowing forward, however it is only when combined with deep, diaphragmatic breathing that the fluid rises up through the ducts and returns to the blood stream.

Rebounding is the most effective way to stimulate lymph flow, increasing circulation by up to 30 times faster. Every time you bounce down on the mat of the rebounder, your body weight increases, building the pressure below every lymph valve, forcing the fluid forward through the valves. At the top of the bounce, the body becomes weightless, closing the valves and allowing the pressure to once again build.

This increases the flow of lymph through the purifying nodes and can triple the white blood cell (immune count) in just two minutes.

The lymph or health bounce is the most important bounce technique to learn. This should be used by people of all ages and all levels of fitness regularly throughout the day and before and after any workout, on or off the rebounder.

Keeping both feet on the mat, simply move up and down, without coming off the mat, while breathing calmly and deeply for about 2 minutes.

Aerobic Power
Breathing is important to get oxygen into the body; however it is important to have regular aerobic activity to strengthen the heart and circulatory system, to ensure that the oxygen actually gets around the body and to the cells.

For most people, this usually involves some form of running, whether on the road or on a treadmill, cycling or other sporting activity or an aerobic group activity. Unfortunately, most people are not prepared for the hard impact that accompanies this kind of activity. Shin splints, ankle, knee and lower back problems are par for the course, while other problems include, time, energy, boredom and over-exertion.

NASA found that rebounding was 68% more effective that running on a treadmill. Using a good quality rebounder, impact can be reduced by up to 87%. In addition to this safety factor, oxygen absorption is increased by as much as 4 times, it is convenient, suiting all lifestyles and most importantly it is fun.

Following the health bounce, begin moving the arms and legs, as if walking, to increase heart rate. The greater the movement, the more the stimulation. Eventually aerobic movements like jumping jacks and power walking can be performed and even running or sprinting.

It is very important to return to the health bounce when you get tired or when you are ready to finish your bouncing session. This will ensure the lymph circulation continues, greatly increasing recovery time. Stepping off before your heart rate is back to normal can result in lactic acid build up and ‘undo’ all the good work you have done. We liken this to running into a brick wall.

The best way to increase circulation is with interval work, increasing and decreasing the intensity for 2 to 20 minutes. This will ensure that the benefit continues long after the session is complete.

It is a good idea to perform at least 10 minutes of aerobic bouncing every other day.

Strength Bouncing
One of the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle is we lose bone density and muscle mass. This is because we do not resist gravity as much as we do as children. The extreme of this is experienced by astronauts, who are confronted with micro-gravity in space. In just 2 weeks, they lose up to 15% bone and muscle density. On their return, they are much more vulnerable and need to recondition in a safe and highly effective way. One of the ways used by NASA is rebounding, due to the low impact, they are able to remineralise and strengthen not only their bones and muscles, but literally every single cell in their body. Note, it is important to use a good quality rebounder, which can absorb up to 87% of the jarring impact.

Think for a moment, body builders focus on muscle building. What about their eyes, their brain, their glands and all of their important internal organs? In truth, they are muscle builders, not body builders. Rebounding, (also known as cellercizing), strengthens and tones every single cell in the body, with every single bounce.

By increasing the height of the bounce, the gravity impact also increases. At 10cm off the mat, (the maximum we recommend), you will experience ‘double impact’, or twice the force of gravity. Imagine walking around with another ‘you’ on top of you. Fortunately this is balanced with weightlessness at the top of every bounce, so there is never a strain.

Another effective way to increase the strengthening effect of rebounding is resistance bouncing. Using light weights, the whole body weight is also increased. Holding two 1kg dumbbells will add another 4 kg to every bounce. Olympic coach Dr Harry Sneider also found that this impact can be increased through a range of motion (like a curl or press) by as much as 5 times. This turns a 1kg weight into a 5kg weight, but only for impact. At the top of the bounce, it becomes weightless once again. In addition, the instability of the rebound surface, turns a curl into a whole body exercise

This makes for fast sculpting of the muscles, while greatly reducing the risk of damage. It is interesting to see how many ‘big guys’ start with larger weights, only to change to lighter ones, once they face increased gravity. To make it even more challenging, leg weights can also be added.

Another option is body weight exercising on the rebounder. This adds the instability of the rebound surface, which makes squats, lunges and pushups all the more difficult. In addition, due to the balance factor, the exercise becomes even more whole body conditioning.

In today’s stressed filled world, exercise is often used as a form of relaxation. We tend to spend so much time in our minds that to provide relief we escape into the physicality of exercise to find relief; oftentimes the more strenuous the activity, they more the perceived relief. Unfortunately, we are often simply trading mental stress for physical stress. One of the major benefits of gentle rebounding is mind body co-ordination, which results in a quieter mind and a more relaxed body.
This provides an opportunity to escape the day, recharge the batteries and come out feeling focused and optimistic.

This has added benefit for people recovering from injury and illness as well as students and sports people, who find the increased co-ordination and balance boosts nerve communication, which speeds healing time, boosts memory and greatly improves performance on the track and field.



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