Wisdom of Your Child’s Face by Jean Haner


Discover Your Child’s True Nature with Chinese Face Reading

People joke that your children don’t come with a user’s manual, but they’re wrong. It’s written in their faces and all you have to do, is learn to read them

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The secrets of your children’s inner nature and personal potential are eloquently inscribed in the curve of their cheeks, the shape of their eyes, the contour of their brows, and the unique language of their original design.

Chinese face reading is based on ancient Taoist principles that teach that each child is born with a soul’s intent, a blueprint that is theirs and theirs alone, and this inner architecture is reflected in their outer design. When you can read your children’s faces, you can discover their true nature. You can understand what their special gifts are, see where their personal challenges will be, and how to guide them through these issues.

You’ll be able to recognize what they need from you in order to feel safe and loved, and you’ll be empowered as a parent to raise them with less stress, more joy, and the confidence that you’re helping them fulfil their special purpose in the world


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